Tuesday, March 15, 2011

what real friendships are made of

Last night my phone rang at midnight.

Me: Hey.
Megan: Are you okay?
Me: No, not at all.  You?
Megan: Absolutely devastated.  I mean seriously, did you see it coming?
Me: No.  When I saw that black dress get out of the limo....
Megan: Me too.  Me too.
Me: And then After the Final Rose!
Megan: Oh I know...
Me: She's the biggest brat! Who talks about their boyfriend's temper on national television!
Megan: Yeah but Chantal was looking good though.
Me: Oh totally.  Loved her hair.
Megan: It's never going to last.
Me: Nope.
Megan: Well I'm going to bed.  I'm just so sad.
Me: I know, what a huge disappointment.  And do you know who the new Bachelorette is?
Megan: Don't tell me it's Ashley.
Me: It's Ashley.
Both: {sad sighs}
Me: Well, we've stood behind Brad since day one, I guess he needs our support now.
Megan: True.
Me: I mean we fully supported him three years ago when he walked away, then welcomed him with open arms when he came back...
Megan: But now he's going to be all alone soon.
Me: I know.  {sigh} Well at least I know someone else is feeling like this tonight.
Megan: Yeah I'll sleep better knowing I'm not the only one who's sad.
Me: Okay, goodnight.  Call me tomorrow.
Megan: K, goodnight.


Ryan Smart said...

You have to be kidding me? Emily was THE BEST. People talk about their boyfriend's temper on TV when they agreed to have their lives video taped. Chantel was super fake...not to mention her extreme mood swings (and weight gain). I loved that Emily said she was boring and admitted her faults and actually seemed like she had morals. She looked at him before saying anything negative and it was always very diplomatic. Who I feel sorry for is Chantel's rebound boyfriend. I wondered what he was doing why she was crying in front of Brad. But really...who would like Brad? He was such a crazy person. You are stirring the pot with this post...and I like it.

MediocreMama said...

Brad...a CRAZY PERSON? Oh nononononono....

Emily is cool to admit she was boring. However, she WAS BORING. What do you know about her except her super sad and played-out story about freaking Ricky and his plane crashing? NOTHING. That story defined her the entire time. His family was ho-hum about her and then the story comes out and suddenly she's a saint.

Brad chose to work his entire life to never be good enough when he could've had someone who worshipped him. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Maybe you're into that look where Emily's veneers are so huge her lips can hardly fit over them but for me, I'll take Chantal any day. Weight gain and all.

Although what HAPPENED THERE?!

Tiffany said...

Ok, I love this post Holly! Even though (don't hate me) I was glad he picked Emily....I still love this post. And not because I agree with you but because you and your friend Megan talk about these people like you really know them in real life and like the outcome of this show is going to affect your happiness in life. And that is exactly how I talk about them with my friends and my sister. My husband always looks at me like I'm a crazy person when I can talk on the phone for over an entire hour about some people on some dumb (awesome) TV show that I've never even met.

Ryan Smart said...

Bwahahahaha! The veneers were too much, but she was WAY hotter than chantel-I am pretty sure most guys thought that-the ones that didn't only focused on the only thing we knew about her...her boobs and whether or not you could see her (rymes with ripple) in that red swim suit. Or how she manages cleavage in a wetsuit. I blame the Ricky stories on TV editing.

Secondly he was crazy. Not to a person who may or may not squirt toothpaste on their spouse. But when asked a question about raising a child and you start getting angry to the point of sweating and moving around like you're on fire-it's a problem. Also Emily is only 24-which still blows my mind. I am sure now I look 90. He is 38 and still rages like a highschool kid. Speaking of highschool Chantel latched on to ridiculous cliched lines she fed herself and would say them over and over again. Plus she was a cat person which all men know is weird. Emily had a nice home and job-though chantel's parent's money was probably enticing.

Bottom line is we would have had a great time watching this together.

Christina said...

I was rooting for Emily, but really, we all know that none of them work out anyway so what difference does it really make. I completely agree with Ashley being a crappy choice for the new Bachelorette. I don't think I will be able to stand watching her for a whole season. I liked the other Ashley better.

MediocreMama said...

Emily is hot but Chantal was interesting. And seriously, how did her nipples NOT pop out of that suit?! I kept waiting.

hahahahaha on Brad getting physically upset over Emily's questions that last night. Very true. Although, in his defense, she kept asking the same freaking E.R. questions, "Well....ya know....it's not always fun. Sometimes kids throw up, sometimes you're in the E.R., sometimes..." No kidding, Barbie. We know. He knows.

I blame TV editing for Chantal's repeated cliches.

Anonymous said...

This is what friendships are made of. :) I know I can always count on you. Poor poor Brad. I feel like making a t-shirt that says 'Team Brad'. Although I did see a pic of the in Austin holding hands with her engagement ring firmly attached to that finger. It would be pretty hard to take that off. Emily is making me mad.

diana said...

Wow. I don't know if I should be relieved that I've never seen that show or really, really left out.

Jek said...

TEAM BRAD all the way baby! I like Emily. I like her especially because the chick has some morals and she was lady like all the time. AND, I liked especially that was never trashed by the girls in the house, which makes me thinks that is probably really her true self. I liked Chantel too. I like the other Shawntel a lot too, minus the job. But, it occured to me today their ages. 24 and 38? Yeah, no go. But, hurray for the sexless fantasy suite girl.


Do, you think she would have taken off her top at the swimsuit shoot? Don't you like how Brad was like "oh, okay," and kept looking away. I swear he seems so genuine and sweet, i can't stand it, BUT i was a little shocked when he was so frustrated at the ER talk, but I think he felt to shot down.

By the way, thanks for reading my blog~

Jek said...

TEAM BRAD all the way baby! I like Emily. I like her especially because the chick has some morals and she was lady like all the time. AND, I liked especially that was never trashed by the girls in the house, which makes me thinks that is probably really her true self. I liked Chantel too. I like the other Shawntel a lot too, minus the job. But, it occured to me today their ages. 24 and 38? Yeah, no go. But, hurray for the sexless fantasy suite girl.


Do, you think she would have taken off her top at the swimsuit shoot? Don't you like how Brad was like "oh, okay," and kept looking away. I swear he seems so genuine and sweet, i can't stand it, BUT i was a little shocked when he was so frustrated at the ER talk, but I think he felt to shot down.

By the way, thanks for reading my blog~