Thursday, March 3, 2011

the boys this week

 Lennon invited friends over for lunch.
 I've given in and started letting Larry dip.  Pandora's box.

Lennon's favorite new phrase: "You're a genius!"

Larry's favorite new phrase: "Car...mama...dada...doggie."


KelliJamison said...

That second picture looks like your sister Kristi when she was young...weird how that hit me!

MediocreMama said...

Kell I thought the same thing.

Lindsey and David said...

What do you mean you "let him dip"? Is it bad to give them ketchup? I'm in trouble if that's the case...

tod said...

Lindsey, my boys are really, really messy. So I've always avoided dips of any kind just to save myself some trouble. However, Larry tried Ranch dressing a couple months ago at a restaurant and enjoyed it so much I couldn't say no anymore. It's not what they're eating it's more about the mess they're making.....

Paigee said...

Well I'll take that as a compliment because he is unbelievably adorable!

Paigee said...

this is kristi...sorry.. I'm logged in under paige for some reason

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures. That ketchup corn dog one is too much. Can't wait to see them this summer!

Ann Dee said...

maybe the corn dog is pandora's box? Just saying.