Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I can't even check my email

And p.s. I'd like to know YOUR opinion on spanking.  Please.

And p.p.s. In his defense I believe the glass of water was a clean-up attempt...


evelania said...

Maybe he saw the "fight ___" on the package and thought that meant fight with eggs and go crazy. ? Maybe.

kklowell said...

This is very similar to a scene I found in my kitchen about 22 1/2 years ago. The only difference was there were two culprits and neither one had made an attempt to clean-up.

sarah said...

i'm sorry! to answer your question, i still haven't made up my mind about spanking. i was spanked as a child, and turned out okay. but the theory that spanking only causes more aggressive behavior makes sense to me. so really, i've typed all that out and offered no help whatsoever. make him sit on the kitchen island for some ungodly amount of time! :o)

Ryan Smart said...

I don't think spanking works-if it did they'd listen and you'd only have to do it once, but most kids get spanked over and over. Plus it's sad. I have seen families on the mission throw down a handful of rice and make their kids kneel on it. My real theory is kids just come down a certain way-he'll always be a curious trouble maker. But he's cute and funny and that's what matters. Just remember to always have wood or tile floors.

ericareynolds said...

At least it's not honey. I agree with Ryan. Spanking doesn't work but it sure makes the parent feel a little better. :) By the way, I know that's bad. I do. But sometimes it takes a lot of self control. Hand him a rag and make him help clean up. And then hide your permanent markers and scissors. Also, I asked Max if you should spank Lennon. He said, "No."

MediocreMama said...

For the record, I did NOT spank when I found this...I calmly picked him up and carried him up into his room where he had to stay (and cry) all through dinner time.

That seemed almost worse to me but I was so mad I was afraid of what I might do.

Kari Beth said...

Kristi and I were PRO egg crack-ers. Good job, Len!

evan said...

Hmmmmm ... in light of recent events, perhaps I should reconsider my babysitting gig coming up. LOL!!
Only kidding. Just be thankful it was on a tile floor instead of indoor kitchen carpeting like we had in the 70's & 80's. I feel your pain.

evan said...

Wups I see Evan has been using my computer again ~ hence the message above FROM EVAN ... obviously it was sent by Grandma Carol.

Tommy Lowell said...

I wish there were blogs when we were little. I was trying to re-play this back in my mind, but then between seeing Lennon crying in his room and you super frustrated I also thought of you getting the camera out and thinking, "hey, this is some good blog material." Then, all the sudden Lennon throwing eggs on the floor goes from a tense, uncomfortable scene to a "mmeh, it's not a big deal. Lennon made mommy mad but at least she got a post out of it." When we'd get in trouble, we just got in trouble, there were no blogs to soften the mood.

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy. Was he just trying to cook a little dinner? Go easy on him. :) He he he he. The water clean up is classic though. I like that. I think spanking is mildly abusive. That doesn't mean sometimes I don't want to spank my kids. I just don't. I would do just what you did. Lock them (Monet) in her room for a while until I calmed down.

Jek said...

hmmm.... i spank. not tons, but sometimes the shock makes behave for hours. good enough for me. oh, and not the two year olds. but a good smack on the butt is fine with me. I wish i could say i haven't but that would mean my kid would spend a lot of time away from me. ( i think the kid would rather get a butt smack and not be sent away forever all the time. NOT saying that she gets spanked very often. but then the threats work like a charm.