Wednesday, September 29, 2010

If Larry were Mary


alana said...

LOL LOL LOL! Love the middle shot!

Lindsey and David said...

He'd be a beautiful girl.

kristi said...

I needed a good laugh today... I really really thank you for this.

Tommy Lowell said...

I don't like it. Larry's all man.

mandy* said...

Ha ha! Larry has a very cute ponytail! I love doing that to Cohen's hair.

Unknown said...

Too cute. Now aren't you Glad you kept his hair long? :)

The Bell Family said...

He makes a cute girl too!

Anonymous said...

I love that you put his hair in a pony tail and he nor Lennon didn't even flinch. Must be a good show.

You would make cute girls.

ericareynolds said...

Who cares about the hair--let me at those cheeks! Yummy!

carey said...

I heart you because you are frickin hilarious! And you better check Larry's genitals because that is an adorable little girl.
Carey from Phoenix

mistyp said...

Cute kids! Wish mine had some of that hair! Our kids have all been bald until about 3 years old. (I left you a comment under my last post...)