I love the 4th of July. I wish you a safe one with this scary (but true) story from today. I left Tod with both boys this morning while I ran errands. After an hour or so I texted him.
Will you please feed Larry then put him down for his nap?
His response:
Larry's not with you?
Hope your kids are safer than mine this weekend.
Totally happened to me this week too! Jack and I went on a bike ride I came back and asked Delwyn where the other kids were and got the same response- "they're not with you?" Nope, they had made their way over to the neighbors where she fed them a 2nd dinner.
You are hilarious - I know I've told you this before, but you are seriously. You should have to pay to read your blog it is too funny. Happy 4th!
I assume you found him? I assume Tod is still with us?
How about leaving the baby in the car while he runs in to Pizza Hut? I'm not saying wether or not my husband did that, but I KNOW we would be in trouble with more than one child.
Ahhhhh! You guys seriously crack me up!
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