Thanks for my Taurus onesie.
Love, Larry
P.S. Last night I was watching The Bachelor with Tod. Although just yesterday I told Megan I love watching The Bachelor alone. Why alone? Because maybe I don't want to hear smart comments about how stupid it is. Maybe I like to be mindlessly entertained for two hours in peace. Or maybe I don't want to hear your idea about how the girls either get a rose or a snowball in the face. . .
Tod: No, see, if they get a rose, they stay. But if they get that snowball right in the face, they're going HOME!
(20 minutes later)
Tod: These girls will do anything. If I were the bachelor I would have a party and tell them all to dress up as barnyard animals. Then the girl who dresses as my favorite barnyard animal gets a rose. Unless two of them are wearing the same costume...snowball in the face.
Tod also likes to say, "DELETE" as the camera pans over girls' faces that he doesn't like.

Does anyone else out there assume Vienna is a man?
I don't know about the man part ... but I don't want him to pick her. NO No No ... did you see her dog ~ that she dresses up like Paris Hilton did hers. Ugh!!! (for more than one reason)
I'm so with you on watching the bachelor alone! In fact I just finished watching it so I could watch it alone!! Viemanna is going down!
i would actually watch the bachelor if tod was here. i send meegan away to her friends' houses if she wants to watch that dribble. hear that tod? i send my wife out of the house.
First of all... Jake is a dork. I can almost not even stand watching the show cause he is so nerdy. He also sucks at picking the girls. He sends the best ones home.
I hate Vienna and yes she looks like a man but she does bring some great entertainment value to the show.
JASON ACTS TOUGH. The only reason I leave the house is because he cries like a baby if he doesn't get to watch his two shows that record on BOTH of our DVR's at the same time The Bachelor is on and since I am such a great sacrificing wife... I go to my girlfriend's houses to watch because I too, like to watch it, without silly comments from my husband. ("do you want me to slap you in the face right now?" would fit well here.)
That said, I would brawl with Vienna if given the chance. I DO NOT LIKE HER. Jenny and I decided she tries to be like Paris Hilton. (which is in no way positive)
Good thing I don't have strong opinions about a TV SHOW because that might make me sound lame...
p.s. I had to delete my previous comment because I was in such a rage over the thought of Vienna STILL being on the show I couldn't hardly think straight... and it showed.
For sure she is a man, and the producers are totally making Jake keep her there.....I'm so grossed out by Vienna!
Absolutely adorable! I love him!
I have a confession.
I've read your blog a few times. I figure I better tell you so you don't think I'm a "blog stocker", which by the way, I totally am. So on that note:
A: You are brave to even put a picture of the pooh Vienna on your blog.
B: I HATE when the husband watches The Bachelor with me. I too hear the lame comments, "She's probably 'servicing him' and that's why she got a rose". Nice. I've been on a no tv kick lately (because I'm stupid) so I have my sister text me every 10 minutes with a play by play.
Love your blog. You're freaking hilarious.
p.s. Way to go on the Marathon. You are awesome! I thought of you when I ran 1.5 miles today (that's good for me) :-)
Kelly (Harris)
I have been saying it all along....Vienna is a man!
LOVED THIS POST. WHy am i the only who feels sad for Vienna? I really do. I think it is becuase i have one of my most favorite friends who sort of resembles her. ANd the girls are so ruthless to her, even if they should be, i get mad when girls act like that. But, i am also VERY naive and wonder how she could be that bad? I am naive, I know. I just can't stand seeing Ali's face all bent out of shape over it. I MUST WATCH ALONE IN SILENCE. If Jason dares show is head on the stairs, i push pause until he does whatever he needs to do, then I proceed in pure entertainment. He is outraged I am addicted to it!! HEE HEE!!
Hol - I LOVE watching the bachelor - Tim could care less. Does anyone else think that JAKE HAS NO PERSONALITY??? I'm so glad he didn't end up with Jillian from the bachelorette. I think Vienna is perfect for him; I don't know if he deserves the other girls.
Vienna won. Can you believe it? I'm still wondering...
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