We spent the holidays with Tod's family in Concord this year. I will admit the long drive with two kids scared me but it was pretty painless if you don't count my argument with Tod about whether or not texting while driving is appropriate/safe/worththeriskwithbabiesintheback the first half of the drive there. But hey! We're alive!

Carol made a beautiful Christmas dinner.

Grant and Grandma

Tod's sister Amy and husband Kevin

Tod's sister Emily, husband Mike and little Grant

Lennon and Kevin playing trains

Larry and Amy. This is the CUTEST PICTURE OF LARRY I've ever seen.

Uncle "Dragon" Kip and Larry

Evan -- oldest grandchild and hero to the little boys

Newest addition Oliver, Grandpa Rick and Larry

Grant and Lennon -- got along great when Lennon wasn't head butting him and Grant wasn't punching Lennon in the face. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Tod's brother Tyler and girlfriend Becky

Tod and Larry


The boys made a gingerbread house. I was shocked that Lennon sat and participated.
Aunt Ali holding Larry and Uncle Jon holding their son Oliver
Oliver -- dressed to kill on Christmas day
Tod's parents Carol and Rick

Aunt Ali with Tod and Oliver at Ali's cool new house in Woodland



Christmas morning chaos

Amy always taking video footage for us who always forget to

Great Grandma Wever

Jon and Oliver
Lennon and his favorite Christmas present -- Batmobile with Batman, Robin, the Joker and Two Face. He is obsessed. We have YET to buy either of our boys a toy. Judge all you want but they have received such awesome gifts from friends/family it just hasn't happened yet. Maybe next year?
Favorite Christmas memories: Lennon and Grant throw-downs, Carol's jell-o tradition, Ali's home videos, Kevin's Scrabble skills, when we beat Kevin despite his Scrabble skills, Grant making Amy cry-I mean laugh, Strictly to Go Pizza night, catching up with Tod's siblings, seeing the Bower's new house, when Tod somehow got lost during our six mile run and ran 10 instead, when Tod got hungry during his 10 mile run and ate a Starburst off the road, seeing all the boys play together, when Lennon told a lady at our continental breakfast, "I'll fight you!", the SUPER nice and TALENTED lady at JCPenney Photo who yelled, "Hey WIFE! WIFE! Stand closer to your husband!" and "Ummm, this newborn in front has drool all over his shirt," and "Hey! This newborn in back keeps looking into space..." but the best of all was when my precious two year old threw the world's biggest tantrum during family pictures. We offered money, candy, gum, the world...nothing worked. At one point Tod told him, "Lennon, don't cry, I LOVE you!" to which he replied, "You don't LOVE ME! No, you DON'T LOVE ME DAAAAAAAAAD!" Nice.
Happy Holidays to you, too!
Great pictures! Looks like a good Christmas. I LOVE the pic of Lennon and the train set. He looks so happy. Larry looks so old. With a hairdo and everything. SOOO cute. And your hair.... I don't even know what to say. It looked that good.
Wish we had gotten to see you when you were in town - but we spent Christmas in Minnesota this year. So fun to see the pictures of you and your cute kids. Glad your holidays were happy -hope we see you next time you're in Concord.
haha! trying to be discreet at work here, but this post has me cracking up!
I love you.
Love your post Holly ... especially the part about "favorite Christmas Memories." I'd forgotten about the "wife, wife" part. Funny! We loved having you all here ... it was fun and wish we would have had more time so we could have gotten up to see the temple Christmas lights, etc. Give the boys a big hug from Grandma Carol. Miss them.
Oh Holly!!! Ryan told me about your blog. I'm a fan. Also, I think us couples have some great chemistry. Let the boys watch some norcal sports and we'll go for a run.
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