What Larry's been up to: Playing with toys, sitting up on his own, rolling all over the house, almost rolling off the counter the other day right before Mom put him in the tub, eating bananas, pears and carrots, puking bananas and milk simultaneously last night, growing his first two bottom teeth, sleeping on his tummy which means longer naps, first Halloween and Robin debut...
This boy is the sweetest thing.
In. Out. In. Out. In & Out.
haha, he's a cutie.
He is so stinking cute. I love the days when they can sit up by themselves. It's like they discover the world around them for the first time- no more staring at the ceiling. I can't decide who he looks like. Was Lennon obsessed with his binkie like that? All I have to say is cut him off before he turns one, or you will have an addict on your hands.
P.S. I'm in love with his wispy mohawk.
I love seeing these new pics of my grandson. Larry is adorable and has the most infectious smile. Isn't it fun seeing them get their own little personality. Now he is old enough to entertain himself a bit ... time sure has a way of flying by. I miss the boys something awful. XOX's from Grandma
I can't wait to see him next week!
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