Saturday, November 21, 2009

Larry is...

Six months old....18 lbs.....and crawling. Notice how he usually crawls in a plank position. This kid isn't even eating crackers yet and he can crawl in plank.

He melts me.


Laisa said...

He is so, so cute. Thanks for your advice tonight. I know I WILL be calling you for support.

Jessica =)) said...

Thank you for that :) I went home sad that night. Haha, I'm kidding, she IS kind of beautiful. In a unique and odd kind of way.

I start college in January, I work as a photographer, and just dance as always =))

You as well, favorite english teacher of all time. Thanks for allowing me to come and visit and be a blogging buddy. It's fun; blogging is like an updated status of everyday life.

1. It must be fun having a comedic husband.
2. Sorry about your bestie leaving :/
3. Larry is a cutie pie.

Lindsey and David said...

Look at him go! So cute! I know I've told you this before, but I love the red hair.

Amy said...

He melts me too!

Anonymous said...

You think Monet is advanced....... That Larry IS advanced. Scarlett is just starting to crawl this week (not in plank) and just starting to get her two bottom teeth in (10 months).

Jon and Ali said...

I'm melted too!

Carol said...

Gee, all my kids stole my line.
I planned to say Larry "melts me" too. So I said it anyway!