We spent last week in Utah (pronounced Uh-Taw by Lennon) for a wedding. My parents are in a new house so it was fun to watch it all come together, too. Plus it's less than 100 degrees at night so that was a nice change. No particular order (Larry pictures, too btw):

Grandma KK and Larry. She got a sandbox for her backyard and Lennon spent most of the week there. Throwing sand
out of the box.

Tod had to work all week but flew out for the weekend.

Their deck is my favorite part of the house. Best part of the yard: NO POOL. I have drowning nightmares all the time about my boys.

Aren't you glad I look like a cat fresh out of the dryer in this picture?

Uncle Tommy always threatens to teach Lennon and Larry "creepy uncle stuff" whatever that means. Here I think they were wrestling.

It was our six year anniversary and we celebrated with dinner at
Cucina Toscana in Salt Lake. We ate there last year, too. Try it sometime. Six year anniversaries are so different from first or second year anniversaries. After dinner Tod asked what I wanted to do for the rest of the evening...he ended up running with me at 11:30 that night because I wasn't able to that morning.
It's a different kind of romantic....like last weekend after our date we went grocery shopping together. Alone. With no kids. We strolled up and down each aisle like we were on some European vacation taking a romantic stroll under the moon...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

My boys have the coolest eyes. Tod says they have my legs, too, which is great because check out those leg rolls. Nice.

Tod ALWAYS puts
himself to sleep when he reads books to the boys. It is the funniest thing to watch...he sounds like a drunken sailor -- slurring his words, dropping the book while he reads and none of it makes sense. I can always tell it's happening when I hear him reading Dr. Seuss from the other room but nothing rhymes.

Sorry but most days Lennon chooses NO pants.

He took his meals "under the umbrella" everyday, "Mama! Feed me under the umbrella, please!"

These boys love their Papa. They spent every day with him and were in heaven.

Lennon played restaurant every meal out on the deck. He'd bring us imaginary food all day except one time I asked for grapes and unfortunately...he was out. But he had pizza so it worked out.

Larry in his tank top from Holly W. So cute.

Lennon working as usual. This time using a paint brush to sweep all the soil out of the pots. Grandma is probably so glad we're gone...

More work. His big thing lately is acting like he's leaving for work fifty times a day. He puts on his shoes (or Tod's shoes), gets a tool or some type of cleaning supply, then says, "See ya Mom, I go to work. Gimme a kiss. Good luck babe, I go to work..."

This baby is so dang sweet and four months old already.

Goodbye Utah...sorry we couldn't see everyone while we were there. Maybe next time?
More later -- including the boys' latest accomplishments. . . .can you say simultaneous diaper blow-outs? I can.
Holly, you are SO funny! I had to have my husband come in and read some of your post because I'm sure he was wondering what I was in here giggling about. So funny.
I always love to see new posts from you. Thanks for the laughs today. Looking forward to more.
First of all I love that Tod falls asleep reading to the boys. That picture is priceless. Second, I almost bought that cardigan that you are wearing for your anniversary. Very cute! And congrats! It is very different after so many years, but you wouldn't change a thing, huh? Lennon kills me! It is hard because in the moment you are thinking, my kid is crazy, but then you look back and it is dang funny! It runs in the family I guess.
It's amazing how different Lennon and Larry look from each other as babies. It's so cute; two different personalities. =)) Glad you had fun.
you are so funny! sounds like you had a great trip. your kids are so stinkin' cute!
Uh-taw reminded me of when Jack was little and pronounced it Hoo-haw. We went down for a wedding and stayed in a hotel which Jack pronounced "hell" and as we pulled up to the hotel Jack says "We in Hoo-haw hell?". Yes son, hoo-haw hell. I can't go to Utah without referring to it as that.
Congratulations on your anniversary! We had a similar "grocery store date" last night. Classic.
Thanks for sharing the Utah trip pics. Looks like your folks have a great new home w/neat deck...how fun! The boys are cute as ever and I love the snoozin' daddy/Larry & Lennon shot on the bed. That's a classic Todder shot for sure. Miss
you all lots & lots and Larry's so big all of a sudden. I miss 'em so!
Grandma CC
Larry is so cute in the sink! I can't beleive he is already four months old! They grow so fast.
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