Everyone is mad at me. Or at least two people. Not enough pictures of Larry. Listen, there are more. There are plenty. They're just not here. They are somewhere in the dark abyss that is Tod's car. He uses the camera for work so it's rarely available for my blog. Larry is taking a trip to cooler weather this week so there will be pictures when we return. I promise.
I will say this: Larry is probably the nicest guy you'll ever meet. And more pictures are coming. See you in September!
I'm excited! When are you coming? I need more Larry and Lennon love in the flesh!
Awe, brotherly love, lennon picking Larry's nose for him!
Ummmmm, Mom: Lennon is putting Larry's binky in his mouth. Like my kid would ever pick anyone's nose...
I am not mad at you.
LARRY LOVE ,,, now that is precious! He is soooo cute ... look at him gaze at his daddy, let his big brother do whatever ,,, and THAT SMILE ,,, tongue out and
everything is to die for. What a sweetie. He is the easiest going little guy ... I miss him so much!
Lucky Utah people, I'm jealous.
(not really) But I DO miss those little fellas a lot.
Grandma Carol
HOw are you? Those boys are so cute!!! I just watched the you tube video's of sprinkler and batman. so stinking funny!!!! Such a cute family!
Can you believe it's almost September? Where is the time going?
Have fun Larry!
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