But then there was Brad. This was my favorite season because he was the real deal. So real that he didn't choose EITHER girl. Adding to his mystery. For the record, I wouldn't have chosen these girls, either. Jenny kept wearing that awful headband and DeAnna had that strand of hair that was always in her face...I'd be OUT of there.

In my defense, I also enjoy reading, exercising, gardening and cooking. It's not ALL reality TV. Just on Monday nights.
Just finished watching it here. Haven't watched one minute of this season until tonight and caught the last 25 minutes and COULD NOT TURN IT OFF. Can't wait to hear what you think.
I laughed so hard when I read this. And I laughed pretty hard at your facebook status. Can't wait to see what happens on the follow-up of he and Molly. . .
you are hilarious, what was up last night on the bachelor. I hate that I get sucked into it.
Still waiting to hear a comment from you on my blog.
WOW! Poor (or should we say lucky) Melissa! Don't worry, I DVR'd all the shows I thought he'd be on- Jimmy Kimmel, Regis, etc... Can't wait to hear your thoughts!
i know holly, i know..............jason pretty much just grosses me out. And he is sooo I MEAN SO not funny. that is why him and melissa were so good for each other because they were both cheesy. You have to watch ellen this week because molly and jason are going to be on and melissa is on too!
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