Monday, January 26, 2009

Lennon of the Jungle

And people wonder why I haven't posted recent pictures.
My question you think Lennon needs a haircut, or is this wild look working for him? I go back and forth.
[Bear in mind that right before these pictures were taken he ate dinner and put most of it in his hair. It's usually not THIS wild.]


Jon and Ali said...

Holly, this boy really looks like you...but when he is screaming...he seems to resemble Tod quite a bit!

mistyp said...

What a cute little boy you have! Now you just need a "Jane" for your jungle, right? ;)

Alana said...

I like the long locks, although the mowhawk was very nice too!

Anonymous said...

All of the sudden he looks like a boy/kid. Like he got really old since I last saw him! Cute! I am liking the long hair but I will have to see it in person.

Dinner was so so good last night. Thank you!

Jessica =)) said...

Whoa, blogging overload. I'm impressed!
Too funny with the time out thing. Props to you for starting it early; Nicholas was later and it was useless. My mom and I gave up with that..

Oh, and I'm sure you're a great park mom. I say, the park is for them to run around and drink water when they need a break. As for the rest, ummm it's a park.

So I turn 18 on Friday, I can't believe I met you when I was 15... crazy.


Lindsay Clegg Sundloff said...

Okay Holly,
I just saw the post with Josh Burkman on your site. (I know this guy!) I have to say the first time I visited your site I thought the same thing. They could be brothers, in fact your hubby looks more like Josh than his own brother does. I think this is crazy. I should've said something earliear, but I thought you'd think I was a freak! Anyhow funny stuff. I laughed out loud when I saw the photo - HILDARIOUS!