Aunt Ali spiced up one of Lennon's pictures for us and we couldn't stop laughing. I think my favorite changes are his almost-there gloves and maybe the sign below his meal.
I've never been into Christmas cards (sending them), but this picture actually tempts me. Nothing says Merry Christmas like Lennon on the streets.
You have to send that out. For one it's hilarious and secondly...who couldn't use more money at Christmas time.
That is one of the funniest things I have seen
Call me Scrooge (don't ask me to spell it though), but I usually don't give $$ to homeless people unless they're doing something for me. It promotes laziness. I might give 'em a candy bar or half of whatever I'm eating. But I'll pay top dollar for good subway entertainment all day. The blue line in Boston had great performers. ...Anyway, that's just a tip for Lennon if the streets are where he's headed.
Ha ha- ok this picture is hiliarious!! I love it! He is totally posed and everything! Hopefully we will see you at the library again!
Also - about your book club - can anyone join - or just girls in the ward?
Holly, we're catching up on your blog and we laughed SOOO hard at this post. We can't WAIT to have kids! Maybe our gypsy kids and your vegabonds can hang out and collect money for christmas sometime.
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