Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Teaser

More to come...


Karen said...

Now that's a "Do-Bee" if I ever saw one. So thankful he's not a "Don't-Bee"!

Alana said...

Thanks for the Teaser, can't wait to see more!

Ron said...

That's Lennon for ya. Just out doing his bzzzzzzzznzzzzz!

Ann Dee said...

asher was a last minute bee too!

Anonymous said...

Very artsy pic. i love it. I love your halloween header and now your new Thanksgiving one. I loved the run you put on today and I loved the comment you made on my blog. I'm glad i sent you my address too. My poor girl.

Jessica =)) said...

How did you change you're template without losing all your info? I have already lost my whole side bar. Sigh.

sincerely margie mei said...

OHHHH, so cute!! We want to kiss his chubby cheeks!We can't hardly wait for more pictures....