Friday, August 29, 2008

In the name...of love....

Tomorrow (or twenty minutes from now) marks our five year anniversary together. We celebrated early at the same place we went for our honeymoon. We both agreed - we've come so far.


Tonight we were driving home from Utah (more pictures later). I was at the wheel and asked Tod to change the CD............suddenly U2 is blaring. I looked at him confused; he hates U2. In fact, he loves to make fun of the fact that U2 was one of my favorite bands growing up. And then he opened his phone...

It was shining in the dark car and he started moving it around the ceiling of the car really fast.

Me: What are you doing?
U2: In the name....of love....
Tod: I'm taking you back in Salt Lake a U2 Laser Show. Enjoy.

[ He's still waving his phone around with a really serious face][And p.s. I went to that laser show maybe a million times as a teenager]

Did I get offended? No. Did I feel upset? No. I just laughed. Hard. Because Tod is funny and that is why I'm so glad I married him. I always wanted someone who could MAKE me laugh, not just laugh with me.
Plus he's really super hot (I used his term -- he likes to put "really super" in front of different phrases). Happy five years, Tod. They've been really super fun.


Anonymous said...

You my friend, look SMOKIN' hot in these pictures. I can't wait to hear all about your trip! We are sure glad you are home for one small day before we leave!

diana said...

I love the make-shift laser show. I'm glad you have someone who makes you laugh. I hope we get to meet him someday. :)

Amy said...

Happy Anniversary!

Alana said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! I can't believe five years have gone by! You guys make a super great couple!

The Bell Family said...

Awww, you guys are adorable! (Seriously...such cute pictures. They should totally go on "the wall")

Happy Anniversary! We love you guys!

holly said...


Ahh... U2 laser shows bring back memories! U2, pearl jam some of my favs when I was a teenager.

Dan said...

Congratulations on the milestone. But shouldn't you have run over some horses or something?

sincerely margie mei said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are a gorgeous couple

Annisons said...

Just think, it was only 5 yrs ago that Giles and I were hiding out in your parking lot (old mill) spying to see if Tod would finally man up and kiss you after what, 38 dates. Congrats on 5 years!