...my zebra swimsuit from Target. Ask me how my weekend was. Just
ASK me. Okay, I'll tell you. It started at
Lake Mead on Friday like this:

And then I decided to wake board. I'm usually a skier but wanted to expand my horizons. I did three good runs and although I wasn't flipping over the wake, I was feeling pretty good. And then the fourth run came and I'm still not sure what happened. My board caught an edge somehow and went behind me, sending me face first into the water with the board smacking the back of my head. So then our day ended like this:

I came to in the water, felt my head then looked at my hand -- it was
bloody. Jeff jumped into the water (Tod wasn't on the boat at the time) and pulled me onto the boat where I ruined his once green towel, now covered in blood. We called for help and the lake paramedics showed up, then insisted I take the ambulance to the nearest hospital. I was talking and walking fine, so that didn't seem necessary. It all happened so fast though, I didn't think to say
no. The whole ride to the hospital, I kept thinking,
"Is this going to cost a million dollars?"

Everyone at the E.R. was really nice, including the guy who stuck needles into my skull, then stapled my already painful wound shut. They took two cat scans and luckily everything else was alright. Luckily things weren't worse.
Luckily, they shaved around the wound so that later when Tod took me to
In&Out, I had gobs of hair coming out in my hands while I ordered. The lady at the cash register must've thought I was homeless. She looked like she wanted to give me my dinner for free.
How was
YOUR weekend?
Oh my gosh Holly! That is scary. I'm glad you're ok!
i almost threw up just reading it...... Wow, i'm so glad you're okay, that is soo crazy! I bet taking out the stapels is going to kill. Good luck!
Thanks Mall. Thanks a lot for reminding me that the staples need to come out...and that it will kill.
these are probably my favorite pictures of lennon that have ever been posted on this blog. i love his little life jacket. and how in the first picture he isn't quite smiling, but he seems very relaxed, content. i love him. and dang.... your head is sick. i was very scared when the lady from the ER called us. glad it was only this. be careful.
Holly we both made trips to the E.R. this weekend! Yours is way worse than mine! And yes that ambulance bill is going to be crazy! Corbin's was $800 and that was just to take him from our house to Summerlin Hospital! And that was after insurance~ :O)
Holly! Yikes! Staples in the head! Wow! I can't wait to hear more about it....
Oh Holly! I'm so glad you're okay!!! YIKES! And staples in your head...you are a brave soul.
I'm glad to see your okay....if it is any constellation, you probably looked really cool wake boarding in your zebra suit.
As you know, even before seeing this post, i've been talking about you all day, worried sick.
Glad your alive and that they didn't get to haywire with the shaving bit. You'd hate to ruin the great summer style you have going.
Speaking of Jamiroquai...I just recently listened to Canned Heat and thought of you and the rockin' mix that Ann Dee and I listened to over and over in her red car.
So now I feel bad, because I started laughing...and everyone's comments are so concerned and kind--I swear I'm a caring person.
I am glad you are okay, but I couldn't stop thinking about the movie Drop Dead Gorgeous with the girl who lip-sang for her talent and had all her hair fall out.
Okay, well really I am glad you are okay...you didn't happen to film your fall did you? ;)
So glad to hear you're okay. I will stick to skiing. On the bright side, your swimsuit is awesome and you got an excellent blog post out of the experience. :)
Wow, I spent my weekend in Hollywood for dance, and you spent it boating,boarding,falling,stapled, and hair-less. Be careful K? Thanks =))
I'm so glad this happened to you. By the way...you completely ripped off my music taste then put a gay twist on it. I'll gladly sign off on Prince and Jamiroquai but the Bee Gees? Might as well slap on some Abba.
Everyone needs to be nice.
Great to hear from you, and sorry about the crash. It is great to get caught up a bit with the blog. Congrats (belated) on the little one. He looks like a lot of fun. NO immediate plans, but we look forward to that after we get settled into the house.
It's crazy to see how big the twins are. I also glanced at your mom's blog. She is great. You will have to tell your parents hi, too. So is Tommy on a mission right now? That is awesome. Where at?
Hope all is well and your head ache died down a bit.
Holly Bolly, you are tough.
Hey, I was on Myspace and clicked on this link
and thought about your accident...
Did it happen to look anything like this? Because if it did, that looks painful =/...
lol.. Glad your okay! -Jessica =))
Wow... I can't believe that, I'm so glad you are okay!
Wow Holly! That's cool... painful but way cool! You're so hard core. Who else can say they had a major head injury while rippin' it up wake boarding? You just moved up on my list:) ... not that you weren't super high already:P
Sorry, but I am totally laughing after reading your story. I am glad that you are OK.
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