Friday, May 30, 2008


I'm laughing at this post because I took all the pictures; it looks like Megan and Tod have a cute little family together. Awwwwww...I hope they'll be very happy. I love summertime.


Ryan Smart said...

Tell Tod that I think it's the steroids that make his hair fall out...his arm looks insanely buff...I think the tendon I see in there is the size of my entire arm!

Wilder Family said...

holly your posts crack me up! Hope you don't mind I look at your blog, its just too entertaining!
Jenny (Hawke) Wilder

Anonymous said...

I love it! I'm glad somebody is getting pictures of Monet enjoying her summer. We need to do that more often.

Jessica =)) said...

Isn't it nice having a pool? I envy you; I have a desert for a back yard. It's a nice one though. I just jump in the shower with a bathing suit and then run outside and lay in the sun. Hey, it works.

Alana said...

Ah..looks refreshing! How's Lennon coming along with his swim lessons?