Monday, April 21, 2008

We're back.

These two got to play
These three hung out

These two finally met
These two learned how to share. Or not share.
These five (one not pictured) looked for ducks
This one is standing on his own now...and takes little steps, too!
This one got to hang out at Grandma's all weekAnd these four are DONE!


Lisa McIntyre said...

Yeah......Go Holly! How was it? Josh and I are both dying to know.

millie said...

Way to go Holly. Sorry I missed you. Colton said he saw you guys. Lennon is a cute boy and tell him that we think it is pretty cool that he is standing up.

Ron said...

Lennon and I are really tight buddies! I miss him BIG TIME!

Alana said...

CONGRATS on your half marathon! I didn't know your sisters did it too, that's pretty cool! I also can't believe Lennon is standing & taking steps. I can't wait to see you guys!

Anonymous said...

We are so happy you are home! Good job on the marathon, you body builder!

Anonymous said...
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Tiff and Dan said...

Todd and Holly, I just wanted to say hi. I found your blog through Melissa and Q's. Dan and I both knew Todd back in the ricks days and you look really familiar. Anyways, you have the cutest little boy! It's fun to see where people's lives have taken them.

Tiffani and Dan Bates

j janell cf said...

no i didn't see you! if i had, i PROBABLY would have said hello, don't you think? hope you enjoyed it-i love half marathons. this is your fault. i mean, you know i LIVE in salt lake, you should have said something!

Jon and Ali said...

Good Job Girls!

Berkley said...

You look amazing! What is your workout routine? My knees have been messed up since pregnancy, so I'm frustrated b/c I can't run without it being really painful. I'm not sure what to do.