Friday, March 21, 2008


Last week Lennon caught my cold. Each day he became progressively worse.
Day 4:
Me: Should we take him to the doctor?
Tod: Naw....he's tough.

[Repeat this same conversation each day for another week.]

Finally Lennon started making this WHEEZING noise. That was it for me. I took him back in and the doctor concluded he had RSV. We got home and told Tod the diagnosis.

Me: Lennon has RSV. This is serious and could've turned into bronchialitisitisinusialysis something...good thing I took him in. Now he needs a nebulizer four times a day...

Tod: Oh wow...[grabbing Lennon]...good thing we caught this. Everyone knows that RSV eventually becomes RSVP and that's serious. Those kids don't get invited to anything!

Pictures of Lennon's treatment now, four times a day. He's definitely on the up and up thanks to this contraption. And thank goodness it never progressed into RSVP.


Lindsey said...

Poor little thing....that mask is cute!!

Alana said...

Sad to see Lennon sick. I hope he is doing better, & I'm glad it didn't turn into RSVP!

Anonymous said...

MY BABY....look at those sad little eyes!! (a very "hip" mask tho)

A word to the wise, Holly. Do not... I repeat ... DO NOT wait until daddy thinks they need to see a doctor. Emily was the bottom kid in a "sibling" tackle one night when dad was babysitting and she was little. I came home from work late and asked grandpa what had happened as she kept complaining about her leg hurting. In spite of his protests, I took her into emergency
(just in case). We sat and waited for hours ... BUT she had a BROKEN LEG!! (Grandpa said she was "tough" and there was no need to go to the doctor.) Wever men may be tough ... but they're also stupid. (sorry know I love you honey).
Em was always concerned that premture Grant would get this and even he didn't get it ... Daddy Tod. It's time to walk the walk of shame.

Grandma Carol

holly said...

That's to bad! My kids have had to use the same thing. It's no fun trying to keep the mask on them. He looks like he's being a good sport.

Anonymous said...

Poor guy! Guys just don't have that "Mommy instinct" thing!

Anonymous said...
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D and C said...

I am making a not of a couple of things...
ONE...never ask Tod if I should take my kid to the Dr.
TWO...Never EVER ask Tod for a hair cut.
I hope he gets better soon!

Lisa McIntyre said...

Poor little guy, give him extra love! Hope he feels better. I'm still lovin' the hair!!!

kristi said...

that 3rd picture is a TOTAL tod face!

Anonymous said...
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Brooke said...

So sorry to hear about the poor little guy. Tell Lennon we heart him!

Camp Directors said...

Oh My GosH!!! Cru has the same thing: "mister neb" we call him! He hates it! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

holly, you are turning into one of those people who has a ridiculus amount of comments.....haha, who would have thought you had so many friends? :)

sincerely margie mei said...

Holly, I am sorry about Lennon and the RSV. I did the same thing when Samantha was little. I waited to long and it turned into pneumonia. She had to be in the hospital for weeks. It was awful, they had to stick her with huge needles and she had a I-V it was traumatizing for us. I cried and cried for days in guilt, not to mention my mom screamed at me for hours for not taking her in soon enough. I will tell you what I never waited that long again!!!!
P.S...I will start posting recipes weekly. I have a few on my blog from the knight Christmas party

j janell cf said...

i hope he's doing better! my little jacob just turned 2, and every time he gets a cold he gets wheezing like crazy. turns out the poor kid has asthma. so we do the nebulizer every day through the winter. unless he gets a cold, and then we do it twice. he HATED it at first, but now we watch finding nemo so he's a fan...
you and tod crack me up. i love it.