Yes, Lennon now takes big boy the big tub...sitting up...playing with toys. It's his favorite thing in the whole world.

I laughed as I took these pictures; does he know he's naked?! Everytime I went to take another shot, he'd strategically place his ducky in the same position!
Modest? It reminded me of Austin Powers when objects are placed just right so nothing is ever seen. Maybe he's seen the movie.

He gave me permission to post these as long as the duck was in place.
Holly, just wait until Lennon uses the internet and realizes that these photos were posted for all to see.
He's either going to give you a big hug of thanks (for sharing himself to all onlookers) or give you a swift kick in the backside!
Great shots...
Lennon is so grown up! That is seriously funny about the duckie! I'm waiting for the day that Cohen can sit up in the bath tub. Soon...
I love bath time! Aren't they the cutest!!! Benson loves the water too. These boys are the best!
I LOVE IT!!!!! I think its great he is so modest!!! That is a good thing. lol!
He is getting so big, and cuter everday!
I love him!!!
Corbin's FAVORITE time of the day is bathtime!! He can't get enough!
I love the built in modesty duck! So cute!
Such a cute kid. By the way, nice duck placement.
It would be better without the duck
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