Thursday, January 17, 2008


While this isn't the COLDEST city out there, Lennon prefers to wear a hat and mittens when he swings at the park. It's just to avoid a chill.
Lennon with his buddy, Cru...
Mall rats: Lennon was bored out of his mind while we shopped as Monet dazzled in her sparkling shoes...
Lennon and Cru...later that same day.
Lennon and his Fairy Godmother, Andrea
Tod and Lennon at a wrestling tournament
And finally, this picture is for you, Dad. Lennon wearing his daily Kahuku high school bib from Grandpa Ron.

I apologize that my son won't smile for the camera. He's just not into it.


kristi said...

i love how he squints his eyes to give his "dirty look"

j janell cf said...

a. i love your blog
b. i love you
c. you look hot
d. glad you're still following britney
e. laisa is still adorable--so fun to see her and tim on your blog
f. i was THRILLED to get an invite to your baby shower. but i got it the week after the shower. we have a PO box (mail issues) and i'm not faithful to it.
g. CUTE kid! and cute mom and dad that adore him
h. 5 years ago we were sitting around in p&a talking about having babies, and j. lo, and britney, and being scared of diane. and brad and jen.
enough letters--but now that i've found you, i'm sure i'll leave you with plenty of i-z.

Jek said...

Thanks for inviting me to the mall!! I really needed to go this week. How about it next time?

mandy* said...

Cohen has that same mirror and all he does is chews on it. To answer your question - Cohen wouldn't take a bottle after only breast feeding for months. So, in order for me to have some freedom, I started offering a bottle for one of his feedings each day. He didn't like it at first, but eventually realized that was his meal. Now he is a pro. I pump...I'm not sure what Cohen would do with formula. I'll have to try that next.

D and C said...

OK I have to say....Your kid is freaking cute!!! SERIOUSLY!! You must make other mommies sad! LOL!
Thanks for the valentine ideas...You are GOOD!!! but ya...LENNON IS THE CUTEST!!! maybe...EVER!

Kelsie said...

He is darling--I love the top picture with him in his hat. :) I've heard from Brooke a few times but not a lot. She and I stopped teaching at the same time--she had another little boy a couple months before our girls were born. She took a year's leave of absence but then decided she really liked being at home and just didn't go back to teaching. I run into other school people once in a while and hear from Kathy Ludlow sometimes, but that's about it. Do you hear from Julia or anyone? Kathy told me Ryan Williams got married a few months ago--hooray! :)

Amy said...

I was having a really crappy day and then I thought I'm going to check Lennon's blog. Maybe Holly has posted some new pics...and you had. They made me feel better! Thanks! I love him so much!

Ron said...

Lennon and I are die hard Kahuku Red Raiders fans, for life!

Come to think of it...Lennon is going to look kind of different when he's a teen ager, still proudly wearing his Kahuku High bib... I'll have to get him something more appropriate for his age then, I suppose!

Brooke said...

He doesn't even have to smile he's so cute!

Alana said...

I love the pic's! I'm glad he has a good friend too! And as far as bundling him up, it's better safe than sorry.

Anonymous said...

just so you know, you crack us up! your a good blogger! keep up the good work, you are just so witty!!!!!