Saturday, December 15, 2007

Thanks Vicki

Last week I watched this:

An entire hour devoted to Victoria's Secret fashion models plus Heidi Klum and her husband Seal. Thoughts that ran through my head:

1. My pajamas are so baggy.
2. I should do crunches during commercial breaks.
3. All they can do is walk....
4. ....oh wait, Heidi Klum can also sing...
5. What happened to Seal's face?
6. Are those crystals crunchy to walk on?
7. Maybe I'd look better if I wore higher heels around the house.
8. My hair is so short
9. All they do is walk...
10. ...oh wait, they're involved in charity work, too...
11. Why don't they sell those wings in the store?
12. I'm going to run tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I watched it five or six times and the main thought that crossed my wife could hang with any of these chicks.

Brooke said...

I'll take on thought #6... I bet they have crystals on the runway so they don't slip. It seems that many models in the recent past have been on the floor instead of doing what they do best... walking!

Jek said...

that is why i don't watch that show. too depressing. where are their garms? Please tell me why you are posting at 8 in the morning? That was soooo fun tonight!! Let's do it again tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I did not watch it but I wished I did. They are sexy. I'm pretty sure now that I have an elliptical machine I will be looking just like them in a bit...........

MediocreMama said...

Pharcyde, I'm SURE that was the main thought that crossed your mind after watching it six times.

And yes, Megan...they are sexy but it will be you and me up there next year if they're lucky. And if I get an elliptical, too. And if they discover us.

Alana said...

Thank goodness I missed it! I will be going to Bikram tonight, are you?