Lennon was blessed this weekend. We were lucky that so many friends and family members came to support him! It was so fun to have company! We were so sad Grandma Carol couldn't make it -- we missed you very much! We hope you're hanging in there. Here are some highlights:
Loving his sweater vest
Doing his workouts with Dad

Kevin and Amy Chambers (Lennon's aunt and uncle newlyweds)

Tod with Lennon trying on his new shades

Lennon's Great Grandparents Larry and Jewel Knight

The night before, getting all cleaned up for his big day.

Our good friends Megan&Monet, Amber&Cru

My sisters and me

Tod's dad Rick and his younger brother Tyler

Lennon and his mom PLUS his cool new Halloween onesie. Thanks, Mr. Baby.

Cousin Grant, Aunt Amy, Aunt Emily and Lenny

Lennon and his Grandpa Ron
whoaaaa... i made it on the blog. sweet! - amber
Lennon looked SO cute on his big day!!
Mr. Baby has excellent taste. G-Man also has that fantastic Halloween onesie.
Looks like a great day!
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