Len was excited because Aunt Alana sent him a package with all sorts of great clothes...he chose the collared blue onesie for the night. He looked great. Thanks, Alana!!!
Lennon is such a good baby. He calmly hung out in his carseat napping while we
ate. He's starting to sleep longer and longer each night so we'll see if this lasts. Like many people have said -- he doesn't cry much. He lets out a cute little noise if he needs something, but otherwise he likes to just hang out. These are his favorite books right now that Grandma Karen brought him. He keeps his eyes wide open and looks at me or the books when I read to him. I can't believe how attentive and observant he is so far! We knew he'd be a smartie!!!

Is Tod wearling lip gloss or did he just kiss you?
your baby is so so precious! congratulations on your lil baby!
I miss my "little man" already and it's only been 24 hours. Has he asked you where Grandma Carol is yet? Does he seem depressed, a little melancholy, is he off his fee (wups) I mean milk?
Probably not ... by Grandma sure misses him. Give my boy a big hug and kiss for me.
Van loves Barnyard Dance but then it got mysteriously stolen. Do you have Barnyard Dance? It's okay if you do, just tell me. Anyway, he loves that book and since it's gone we've just been sitting around sucking our thumbs until yesterday we got A MYSTERIOUS PACKAGE IN THE MAIL. We love you, Hol. Mr. Van has had so much reading material he can hardly stand it! He prefers Shiloh over Suri.
What a cute little family! You look great Hol! I'm glad Lennon liked the clothes, he looks adorable!
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